Propiedades Ópticas de Materiales
Dependencia: | Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología |
Tipo: | Taller |
Modalidad: | A distancia |
Área: | Ciencias Físico-Matemáticas y de las Ingenierías |
Descripción: | Optical Properties of Materials
Dr. Mario Galicia,
The workshop will focus on teaching the
basic concepts of the GW approach to
computing the electronic band gap. On
the other hand, we will learn about the
RPA theory for computing some optical
properties, such as the real and
imaginary parts of the dielectric
function, as well as some other useful
quantities for linear optical analysis,
such as the real and imaginary parts of
the refractive index, the absorption
coefficient, the energy loss function, and
the reflectivity. Finally, we will learn
about the BSE approach, which allows
us to compute the dielectric function by
considering the excitonic effects. |
Duración: | 4 horas. |
Sede: | CNyN UNAM Ensenada, Baja California |
Teléfono: | |
Correo: | lvmm@ens.cnyn.unam.mx |
Más información: | Ir al sitio |