
Interacciones No covalentes

Dependencia: Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología
Tipo: Taller
Modalidad: A distancia
Área: Multidisciplinaria
Descripción: Non-Covalent Interactions Dr. Rodrigo Ponce, CNyN-UNAM The short course aims to teach the assistants the use of the critic2 software to visualize the NCI. We focus on how to graph and understand the s(ρ) vs sig(λ2)ρ plots and their corresponding NCI isosurfaces. This is with the purpose of visualize, understanding, and interpret properly the results. In the course, we address several systems where NCI appears from two molecules interacting to more complex systems.
Duración: 4 horas.
Sede: CNyN UNAM Ensenada, Baja California
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